Coaching Programs


Activate Your Personal Power: A 30-Day Program

Step one: Activating your resourceful, powerful self.
Powerful on its own and a springboard for future growth.

Activating your resourceful, powerful self  is the first step in realizing your full potential. Learn how to step into this powerful part of yourself at will, accessing it immediately when in difficult, challenging situations. This will allow you to feel more confident, clear, and resilient. This is a prerequisite for many of my other programs as it sets you up for success.

Through 5, one-on-one, 75-minute Zoom sessions, you will:


Gain the tools necessary for accessing your resourceful, powerful self


Learn the most effective way to stop negative thoughts


Tap into your vision for a more fulfilling life


Clear blockages around your potential and see old patterns fall away


Gain natural self-confidence and clarity

All of this will happen through an engaging, enjoyable program. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll discover in just 30 days!

"Before going through the Activate Your Personal Power Program with Carol, I struggled with keeping my confidence high in the face of challenging situations. Right from the beginning I activated my personal authentic power and I started to take actions from a confident, resourceful place.

Now, I'm not bothered by people and situations anymore and show up focused on building my life and career. Things keep getting better and better. I was shocked that this work would work - on ZOOM no less!"

Seprator Green God Blue

Your Life by Design: A 3-Month Program

Step Two: Realizing your full potential.
Available to take after completion of Activate Your Personal Power.

The second step is realizing your full potential. Designed for the woman who is committed to stepping into a fuller, richer experience and growing into fulfillment.

Through 12, one-on-one 75-minute Zoom sessions, meeting weekly or bi-weekly, you will:


Discover your purpose, calling, and vision


Design your life on your terms to achieve your deepest yearnings


Unleash your potential


Begin living a fulfilling, self-actualized life


Enjoy your life as it flows from your own balanced, authentic strength and power

Take the next transformative step in Your Life By Design program. Uncover your purpose, design your path, and unleash your full potential for a fulfilling, authentic life.

Seprator Green God Blue

Your Next Step

Book a complimentary Get Unstuck Session with me.

In this 1-hour, one-on-one Zoom with me, we will:


Explore the patterns holding you back


Uncover where you want to go and the best way to achieve your goals


Define a way to work together to build a compelling vision and pathway to self-actualization

After this hour call, you will leave feeling empowered and clearer about what you need for a deeper sense of fulfillment, happiness, and inner peace. More importantly, you will leave with a game plan for how to move forward with an ally at your side supporting you every step of the way.